Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Czekasz cierpliwie
You are waiting patiently
Stojac na granicy
Standing on the edge
Patrzysz przed siebie
Looking straight ahead
Z nadzieja, ze szkode,
With hope, that harm,
Moze tylko przyniesc
Could bring only
Bieg na slepo,
Running blindfolded.
Przed siebie.
O czasie,
About time,
Mowmy z szacunkiem,
Let us talk with respect,
Bo czas,
Because time,
Moj drogi,
My dear,
Jest wart swej ceny.
Is worth its price.
Czas to blogoslawienstwo
Time is a blessing
Czas przynosi ulge
Time brings a sense of relief
Ze powiedziales stop
That you said stop
Kiedy wszystko w Tobie
When everything in you
Chcialo przec na przod
Wanted to go ahead.
O czasie mowmy z szacunkiem,
About time let us talk with respect,
Moj drogi
My dear,
Bo czas ulatuje,
Because time flies,
A stracony czas boli,
And wasted time hurts,
Ale czas, ktory
But time, which
Poswieciles dla czegos
You've sacrificed for something
Odda Ci za czekanie.
Will pay you back for waiting.
O czasie mowmy z szacunkiem,
About time let us talk with respect,
Moj drogi,
My dear,
Bo tylko rzeczy najwazniejsze,
Because only most important things
Wymagaja czekania
Require waiting,
Pozwalajac nam dorosnac
Allowing us to grow up,
By moc je przyjac,
To be ready for them,
Z otwartymi ramionami
With arms wide open
Wiec o czasie...
So about time...
Moj drogi..
My dear...
Czas sie nie spoznia.
Time is never late.

We could try and apply this to many areas of our life.
God created time for many reasons
And every single one of them is good.
I notice in others and also in my life
That we are inpatient species.
We want things right here right now
We don't give our desires a second thought
We treat life like shopping in a moll
Thinking we could take back our decisions or words
Without ever considering just... waiting.

So hold on,
Just like that
Where you are right now.
God put you THERE for a reason
So don't worry.
Look around
Learn your lessons,
Grow, laugh and pray
Seek His Kingdom and presence above anything else
And He will take care of your needs.



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