Tuesday, March 6, 2012

'submit yourselves to God'

Today I woke up with a need to study the whole book of James. In here I'd like to write some of my thoughts on chapter 4, verses 1-12.

Let's start with first passage, verses 1-3. In here James writes very boldly about our own human desires.
'what causes fights and quarrels among you'? If we are honest, there is always a desire that drives the motives of our actions. Think of the last time you've argued with someone. What was the reason for it? Have you ever lied to someone in order to get something you wanted? I think we all did. James goes on saying that we don't have because we don't ask God and when we ask Him, our desires or motives are wrong and selfish so we don't get what we asked for. God knows what's best for us and he knows that we are wicked therefore even if we think our desires are right, we won't get those things because God knows what having them would lead us to. They don't have to be great things. It could be a tv that God doesn't want you to have to prevent you from getting influenced by the wrong programmes which don't honor Him. Conclusion: we need to submit our desires to God and have right motives when asking for things.

Verses 4-6. I think that this goes especially for people with 'wrong desires' and for people who have just accepted Jesus as their Savior. Basically: you can't follow God without giving up your old life and you can't grow while living in sin. Sin is not from God, neither is lust. Addictions, wrong motives, selfishness, lies, list goes on. Those things kill your spirit and keep you in a prison of, well, sin. The way to get out of it? Submit yourself to Jesus. Repent from your sin, talk to a trusted friend and battle this addiction together. It’s not impossible, because once you repent, your cards are clean. It doesn’t mean you won’t be tempted anymore, but it does mean that your mindset will be renewed and God will be on your side.
‘God opposes the proud, but shows favour to the humble and oppressed’. Is your pride keeping you from humbling yourself before God? I can say one thing about this. My pride kept me from growing for years. And then I realized that more than my pride I was scared of letting God into my heart to have him see how much crap was in there. Pride is a killer, but a humble prayer could save your life.

Verses 7-10. When you resist the devil HE HAS TO flee from you. Come near to God, he wants to have a relationship with you. How awesome is that?! Even though we continue in falling into the traps of sin all the time, God still wants us back. This passage proves it in a great way. Have the courage to humble yourself before your Maker. No matter how bad you feel about things you’ve done or things that have been done to you, Jesus has the love that will lift you up. Purify you heart.

Verses 11-12. This is how I see judging others: when we judge somebody it’s as if we came to God and said: You know what, let me help you judge this person cause I see that You’re not very good at it. Since I’m so humble and free from any kind of sin, let me show You how to be the judge.

God made the law and God is the Law keeper. We have no right to judge. He is the one who knows the heart, who knows all the motives and most of the time, honestly, our judging attitude is driven by worse motives than the person’s we’re about to judge.

How could we then conclude the topic of submitting? To me submit means to give up something of ours in order to get God's. What do you think?

The whole book of James is full of brilliant tips for a good life. I'd encourage you to read it:) if you have any thoughts, ideas or disagreement with what I wrote in this note, please, go ahead and write:)

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