Friday, December 30, 2011


But now, this is what the LORD says— 
   he who created you, O Jacob, 
   he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; 
   I have summoned you by name; you are mine. 
When you pass through the waters, 
   I will be with you; 
and when you pass through the rivers, 
   they will not sweep over you. 
When you walk through the fire, 
   you will not be burned; 
   the flames will not set you ablaze. 
For I am the LORD, your God, 
   the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; 
I give Egypt for your ransom, 
   Cush and Seba in your stead. 
Isaiah 43:1-3

 Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you
while you may be found;
surely when the mighty waters rise,
they will not reach him.
 You are my hiding place;
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance.
 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
   I will counsel you and watch over you. 
Psalm 32:6-8

You are safe. Right were you are at, God is, too. 
Do not fear but trust Him. 
Await miracles.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We are all individually wrapped

Something has been on my heart for quite a long time now. I understand a lot through pictures and observing. When I get to know people, I watch their every day life. I learn what they like, what they dislike, what are they passionate about. 

And as I am watching the world moving, I see that people live misunderstanding God's gifting system. First of all, that God has a different plan for every single of us, unless you are married, then the vision for spouses will be made so they could work as a team.   Second of all, we are all in a never ending process of growth and changing. Depending on what stage you are in you will be finding yourself looking for things you could do in your church. The most common way to look for your gifts is.. in others. We tend to observe works of our leaders and wish for their gifts. We look at them, we almost envy them. We ask God why can't we do things the way they do. Why can't we organize this mission trip. Why can't we be worship leaders. Why can't we preach on a Sunday morning, etc. 
This is dangerous. Why?
Because while we keep on observing others, we're missing on our calling.
I have named this note 'all individually wrapped', because what we are missing in here is the bigger picture: God has a different plan for every single of us. By this I mean that you need time. Quote I would hear almost every week from my pastor while I was studying on Master's Commission was 'leaders are learners'. You want to lead something? Start from learning. 

God has made you to be you, not your neighbor, not your spouse, not your pastor. You can't replace anyone and nobody will ever replace you.
There are gifts inside of you that are still waiting to be unwrapped. Especially if you are new in the church, there is a great adventure for you to take on. God has made a 'body of Christ' for a reason. If you were made to be a hand, you'll never be able to work as a leg. The mistake we make in the church is that we try to do things that fascinate us without giving God a chance to show us our real passion. 

Do you find yourself in this place? Do you feel like you don't know what you're called to do?
Here are some tips that may help you out:
1. Pray about it. Ask God to show you.
2. Try different things. By this I don't mean to volunteer for every single ministry that your church has, but why  not talk with people involved in different ministries? And when you choose which ministry you would like to get involved in, why not apply for the one you're not sure of? You might surprise yourself. 
3. Don't get discouraged. As I said before God called us to do different things so if you apply for a ministry you thought would be perfect for you but it turns out to be 'fail of the year', it means that you might find yourself somewhere else. Example: just because you like worship doesn't mean you can sing. You really don't have to fit in every single ministry of the church and there is a reason for it: someone else has been called there. 
4. When God speaks: listen and obey. Don't wait until God 'tells you what you want to hear', but be obedient to whatever He tells you to do. 
5. Don't waste your time while waiting on His answer. Volunteer while waiting for God to show you what you're called into- very often this is how God would speak into people's hearts. 
6. Be faithful with small things. Oh how many people I know who won't help us set up chairs because they believe they are called into 'a bigger picture'! Climbing a ladder usually starts from the bottom.
7. Jesus came to serve, not to be served.  Stay humble. 
8. Believe in yourself and in God in you!!! Read your Bible and see that people God was choosing to do some of the greatest things were people who were far from perfect (except for Jesus of course)! Don't let yourself think that you are too small, but also don't think that you are too cool for doing little things! 

You are an individual. God loves and has a great plan for your life. Don't ever compare yourself with others. Don't envy their gifts and talents. Grow. Develop. Be a learner. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Serve the church and your leaders. 
Then God will bless you with more. 

What are your thoughts/ experiences?

Sunday, December 11, 2011


You know what? 
I would love to be able to change the present. 
Take the sickness away, heal a heart, change broken relationships. 
We want to do a lot without questioning if we could. 
We tend to leave our desires on the line of 'if only', without moving to the next step. 
believers in God need to pray. 
Through prayer we do change the present and invest into the future. 
through faith God can take the sickness away
through faith He can heal a heart
through faith He can bring freshness of forgiveness into a relationship.
it is only through faith that we can dream and the line of 'if only' doesn't have to EXIST. 
only through faith we can truly live, we can influence today and impact tomorrow. 
would you like to truly live your life? 
believe with all your heart in Him, who can change everything. 
The Lord, Jesus Christ. God the Father. The Holy Spirit. 
The one who overcame death. 
The one who has opened eyes of the blind. 
The one who has raised the dead. 
The one who has split the sea. 
The one who walked on water. 
The one who fed 5 thousands. 
The one who Loves You.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Dear friend, welcome to my new blog!

For the past couple of months I've been planning on making such a page where I could pour my thoughts out (often inspired by others). I have been writing a lot in past but for some reason I have stopped. Now I'm back and I hope that you can join me in this amazing adventure of growth, passion and words. 

One of the questions you could ask me here would possibly be: why 'when God moves'? 
Well, this was the first thing that came to my head and I thought that it was the perfect one. Why? Because this is what my blog is going to be about- about God moving. In this world, in my world. 

I would appreciate any of your comments and critic- I love learning. 

Hope to see you later,
